Johnson Controls Workers Join Us at SMART Local 19

SMART Local 19 is a labor union made up of 4,300-plus hard-working men and women serving 23 counties in Pennsylvania, 10 counties in New Jersey and the entire state of Delaware. Our members are your friends and neighbors. They work in manufacturing plants and the HVAC/sheet metal Industry. SMART Local 19 members benefit from set pay standards and workplace protections outlined in collective bargaining agreements. It is our collective bargaining power that allows us to negotiate fair and equitable contracts with employers. This basic right gives our members more power than trying to negotiate as individuals, allowing for higher wages, better benefits, safe working conditions and a voice at work.

Union 101

Better Wages and Benefits

You deserve more. We believe you’ve earned and deserve better pay at work, and SMART Local 19 members see and feel the difference in their paychecks every day. By coming together in a union, we gain collective strength and power to negotiate higher wages and better benefits at the bargaining table. Union members on average earn more than our nonunion counterparts.

Workplace Safety & Keeping Workers Safe

Does your workplace feel unsafe? You don’t have to work in danger – you should go to work knowing that you will come home safe at the end of the day. Our collective power allows us to negotiate contracts that have strong and enforceable safety language; in many cases, going beyond what’s in laws and regulations. We strive to protect SMART Local 19 members through training, enforcement and contract negotiations to ensure every member’s safety.

Work-life Balance

Work shouldn’t control our existence. Do you need more predictable hours, better access to education, advancement opportunities or better family leave when needed? When you’re a member of SMART Local 19, your contract protects you by clearly spelling out your work hours, training requirements, advancement procedures and how you can take time off. 

You deserve a life outside of work. Members have access to discounts on theme park tickets to have some fun, mortgage and real estate services, auto insurance, lower-cost cellular service and so much more! SMART is there for you no matter what part of your life you’re in.

Employee Rights and Workplace Equality

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace – SMART Local 19 contracts ensure all working people, no matter their race, gender or sexuality, get a fair opportunity in the workplace. Women in unionized workplaces make more than their nonunion counterparts, and transparency in a union contract can prevent discrimination in raises and promotions. Additionally, non-discrimination clauses in contracts ensure that union workers have protections that go beyond what is contained in law.

SMART Local 19 Interest Form

With a union, we have power and a voice with our employers and elected officials. We fight for wages, health care, safety and respect in our workplaces. There’s never been a better time than now to take the next step! Please fill out the form below for more information.

All Information will be kept confidential.