Windsor Door Workers United

Welcome to the SMART Local 202 Information Hub

We’re excited to have you here! This page is designed to give you up-to-date information about our union efforts at Windsor Door. We believe that an informed and united workforce is key to securing a strong contract and better future for all of us. Below, you’ll find details about how you can get involved, upcoming events, and why union membership matters.

Why Union Membership Matters

Becoming a member of SMART Local 202 comes with many benefits, including:

As a union member, you have access to essential protections, better wages, and benefits. Here’s why being part of the union is important:

  1. Job security and protection against unfair treatment.
  2. Collective bargaining power for better wages and working conditions.
  3. Access to health insurance, retirement plans, and other benefits.
  4. Legal support and representation when needed.

Your rights are protected under the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and federal labor law. This means the company cannot interfere with your right to organize, join the union, or participate in union activities. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) enforces these protections, ensuring that your employer follows the law.

We are a union made up of many cultures, but we stand united for a common goal: better jobs, better wages, and respect in the workplace. When we come together, we are unstoppable. No matter your background or the language you speak, we are stronger together.

We understand that some of you may be afraid to speak with us, but your conversations with the union are protected and confidential. No one, not even your employer, has the right to interfere with your decision to talk to us.

Upcoming Events

Get involved and stay informed by attending the following events:

  • Bargaining Updates: Please take a moment to complete the following Contract Negotiations Survey:
  • Union Meeting: October 23rd at Noon and 1:30pm – UFCW Local 2008 Hall, 7924 Intersection 30 #A, Little Rock, AR 72209

Mark your calendar and make sure to bring a coworker along!

Next Steps

We encourage you to:

  • Attend our upcoming meetings to learn more about the union and how you can get involved.
  • Engage with your union representatives to share your thoughts on the upcoming contract negotiations.
  • Bring a coworker to the next meeting and help grow the strength of our union.

SMART Local 202 Interest Form

With a union, we have power and a voice with our employers and elected officials. We fight for wages, health care, safety and respect in our workplaces. There’s never been a better time than now to take the next step! Please fill out the form below for more information.