Effective January 1, 2022 SASMI will offer two new COVID related benefits. A Vaccination Benefit and an Interference with work Benefit
Vaccination Benefit
To encourage all participants to receive a vaccination to protect against COVID-19, members ($200.00) and their covered eligible dependents (spouse and/or children $100.00) may be eligible for a vaccination benefit.
Interference with Work Benefit
If a member became ill and could not work due to significant side effects from a first, second and/or booster vaccination for COVID-19, they may be eligible to receive a benefit. Up to 24 hours of wages at your home local union wage rate, per vaccination.
How to Apply for Both Benefits:
If eligible, members need to complete the application on the member portal via SASMI’s website (www.sasmi.org). A separate application will be required for each benefit. A separate application is required for each of the member’s dependents. Each application must include: A copy of their individual vaccination card (front and back), Manufacturer information,Vaccine lot number, A Vaccination Card ID (number on the back right corner of their card).
Finally, they will need to consent that SASMI can verify their status with the CDC and that SASMI can verify dependent eligibility with their local health fund (Vaccination Benefit ONLY). Receipt of the Vaccination Benefit does not limit a participant’s eligibility for other active benefits under the Plan and is not considered when calculating Severance or HCRA benefits. However, the Interference with Work Benefit will be included when calculating Severance or HCRA benefits as well as the 200% Rule.
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