Category: Legislation
The East Palestine Disaster Turns Two: SMART-TD Demands Action
Two years after the Norfolk Southern train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, laws meant to fix the situation remain stalled in Congress despite strong bipartisan support and urgent safety needs. With railroads prioritizing profits over safety, the call for federal action grows louder as communities and workers continue to suffer. Read on to see what’s being done to push for change.
Railroad Retirement Board Announces Enactment of Railroad Employee Equity and Fairness Act (REEF)
The RRB formally announces changes to railroaders' unemployment benefits. This announcement is the culmination of years of effort by SMART-TD's Safety and Legislative Department and will put money directly back into the hands of our hardworking SMART TD rail members.
Sharp-eyed conductor saves two lives in winter crossing accident
SMART-TD conductor Brandon LaBombard saved two lives after a chain-reaction of accidents at an icy Michigan grade crossing. Disaster struck mid-train, without any indication in the head end. Eagle-eyed LaBombard witnessed the accident and was able to take heroic action, again proving the value of a two-person freight crew.