DIPP: Members helping members

January 12, 2024

The Discipline Income Protection Program (DIPP) is your union’s premier worker assistance program that protects a member suspended, dismissed, or removed from service by the carrier for alleged violations of rules or operating procedures.

SMART-TD is committed to continuing its excellence. In the past year, DIPP trustees have reduced assessments by 33%, eliminated the graduated benefit day structure and reduced the waiting period for benefit increases. Additionally, the program has paid participants over $4 million in benefits in their time of need.

Another improvement in the program is more convenience in the enrollment process. New participants can enroll online either on their own or with the assistance of their local Regional Insurance Manager or DIPP representative.

DIPP is all about members helping other members and looking for reasons to support its participants facing the loss of income due to a carrier’s heavy-handed attempts to punish them.

More information about DIPP

Enroll online