Phoenix, Arizona—It is with heavy hearts that SMART-TD honors the life and legacy of Brother Scott Olson, who passed away on Friday, December 27, 2024, at the age of 77.
A member of Local 1629 who served as the Arizona State Safety and Legislative Director (SLD) for nearly 18 years, Scott was known for his reliable presence at local union meetings and active engagement within SMART-TD.
For Greg Hynes, SMART-TD National Safety and Legislative Director and former Arizona SLD, Scott was a mentor.
“He’s the one who taught me how to be a state director and encouraged me to go to Washington, DC,” Hynes reflected. “He was a great teacher, a great friend, and I truly admire him.”
During Scott’s time as the Arizona SLD, Republicans held a supermajority in the state legislature and weren’t considered labor-friendly.
That didn’t deter Scott.
Rather than accepting defeat, he was able to work with the Arizona Corporation Commission to move the needle on issues that are important to SMART-TD members, including working conditions and two-person crews.
“He always found a way to make it work,” Hynes emphasized.
Focused on working across the aisle whenever necessary to get things done for the betterment of our union, Scott was a respected member of the SMART-TD family.
Scott’s contributions to our union and the entire railroad community were invaluable. We extend our deepest and most heartfelt sympathies to his wife, Georgeann, their children, and their family. Most importantly, we uplift our appreciation for the lasting mark that Scott Olson left on both working families in Arizona and our union.
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