Fundraiser begun for Local 600 president who suffered amputation after accident

June 11, 2024

Brother Keith Shambaugh and his family had their lives permanently altered when he was hit by a truck while riding his motorcycle in early May.

Keith Shambaugh poses with his son in this family photo.

Shambaugh, president of Local 600 in Cumberland, Md., since 2022, was broadsided on U.S. 50 in Augusta, W.Va. His injuries required amputation of his right leg above the knee, both his arms were seriously injured along with numerous other serious injuries. 

An online fundraiser has been set up to help support him and his family as he faces a long and arduous rehabilitation period and not be able to return to his profession as a locomotive engineer.

Married with one child, Brother Shambaugh has been involved for years as a local officers, first serving as trustee in 2008, alternate legislative representative in 2009 and president in 2022.

He began working for CSX as a conductor in October 2000. He completed his training in the spring in 2008 and established seniority as engineer, the profession he has worked since.

“We would appreciate if you could support this effort to secure some much-needed funds for their family,” Maryland State Legislative Director Larry Kasecamp said.