Georgia: Let’s get our two-person crew bill moving!

March 4, 2019

Georgia State Legislative Director Matt Campbell reports that his two-person crew bill (H.B.190) has been held up by a subcommittee and that the efforts of members are needed to get the bill to a vote.
He asks that Georgia members take a minute or two to send an email announcing your support for the legislation.
Campbell testified last week in support of the legislation that requires two people on freight train crews as well as a defibrillator in the cab. Campbell’s testimony was covered by an Atlanta radio station.
“We put up a good fight,” Campbell said. “But we weren’t allowed a vote … yet!”
Despite the subcommittee’s inaction, the bill can be brought to a vote by Georgia Transportation Committee Chairman Kevin Tanner, but he needs to hear from SMART TD members, family and friends in the state.
“The safety of railroad operations affect all Georgians; especially, those who live, work, or learn near a railroad line,” Campbell said. “Our state should not gamble with public safety, the stakes are too high.”
Click here to read Campbell’s full testimony.