The deadline for voting on the National Rail Contract is 4 p.m., Eastern time, Friday, Sept. 2. Votes may be cast by telephone around the clock.
Voting packages, with information on the tentative agreement and voting instructions, including a telephone access code, were mailed Aug. 12 to members eligible to vote.
Members eligible to vote are those employed by railroads represented by the National Carriers Conference Committee – BNSF, CSX, Kansas City Southern, Norfolk Southern, Soo Line, Union Pacific and many smaller railroads.
Members who believe they are eligible to vote but have not received the voting package should immediately contact the UTU International.
Call (216) 228-9400 and ask to speak with Karen Cashin (extension 3012) or Cara McGinty (extension 3014). They will verify your identity, dues status and voting eligibility and provide a telephone access code so you may vote prior to the voting deadline.
Voting is by craft under the craft-autonomy provisions of the UTU Constitution. Crafts voting are brakeman, conductor, engineer, fireman, yardman and yardmaster. Members vote in the craft in which they worked the day prior to the mailing of ballots. Results will be based on valid ballots cast.
Votes will be tabulated by BallotPoint, which will report the results to the International. Results will be posted at when received by BallotPoint, which is expected the evening of Sept. 2.
To stay current on news relating to the National Rail Contract, visit and click on the “National Rail Contract” link at the bottom right corner of the home page.
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