Additional locations have now been added to the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board’s (RRB) schedule of Pre-Retirement Seminars for railroad employees and their spouses.
Designed for railroad employees and spouses planning to retire within five years or less, the seminars will familiarize attendees with the retirement benefits available to them, and also guide them through the application process. The program is sponsored by the RRB’s Office of the Labor Member, and began earlier this year on a pilot basis with seminars held in several locations. Additional seminars, to be held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., have been announced for the following dates and at the following locations:
- Oct. 3: Moorhead Federal Building, 1000 Liberty Ave., Room 1310, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.
- Oct. 9: Jerome Hill Theater (1st floor), 180 E. 5th St., St. Paul, MN 55101.
- Oct. 31: Richard Bolling Federal Building, 601 E. 12th St., Cafeteria Conference Room (ground floor), Kansas City, MO 64106.
Persons wishing to attend are asked to print and complete a registration form, which is available by visiting the RRB’s website at, and selecting the Office of the Labor Member’s Educational Materials link in the Spotlight section of the homepage. Seminar space is limited and registration is being accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Completed forms should be mailed or faxed to the RRB office listed on the form as soon as possible.
Individuals who have not previously submitted documents required when filing a railroad retirement annuity application, such as proofs of age, marriage, or military service, are encouraged to bring this material (original documents or certified copies required) to the seminar. Attendees should also bring along an additional copy of each item to leave with the RRB field personnel leading the seminars.
Those unable to attend the seminars but still seeking pre-retirement information should contact the RRB. Individual retirement counseling is available in person at an agency field office, or by phone by contacting the RRB toll-free at (877) 772-5772.
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