As you are likely already aware, SMART Transportation Division members will soon be voting on the 2022 Tentative National Rail Agreement. As required by Article 21B, Section 91, of the SMART Constitution, voting information will be mailed to all eligible members via USPS first-class mail.
In order to ensure that you receive your balloting materials in a timely manner, please take a moment to log in to the SMART Member Portal or the SMART App to verify or update your contact information as necessary.
It should be noted that Article 21B, Section 49, of the SMART Constitution states that it is the members’ responsibility to keep SMART-TD apprised of their current home address. It should also be noted that in most cases, the railroads do not provide employee contact information to the unions. In other words, if your employer has your current home address on file, it is not safe to assume that SMART-TD has that same up-to-date information on file!
In accordance with the requirements of the SMART Constitution, ratification voting will be conducted and overseen by an independent certified election services provider. Votes will be collected and tabulated using a secure telephonic voting system. In order to cast their votes, members will be required to provide the unique login information that will be mailed to their home address.
Additional information regarding the upcoming ratification vote, including the exact dates for mailing and tabulation of ballots, will be distributed to our members following the conclusion of the current Question and Answer period.
A link to the SMART Member Portal can be found here:
The SMART Union app is available by texting the word APP to 67336 or for download on Apple’s App Store or Google Play.
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