TD publications Home>TD publicationsPROGRESS THROUGH UNITYA booklet detailing the history of the SMART Transportation Division and its predecessor unions.WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN A UNIONThis publication spells out the structure and benefits that the union provides for newer members of SMART Transportation Division.GETTING A MESSAGE TO CONGRESSThis publication spells out the lobbying process, the legislative process, its importance to the union and TD PAC’s role.TRANSPORTATION OCCUPATION HANDBOOKThe Transportation Occupation Handbook provides a primer on the work the members of the SMART Transportation Division do to keep our country’s people, goods and services moving safely and efficiently.HOW TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS WHEN INJUREDInjuries on the job are an unfortunate fact of life, especially in the rail industry. Read this booklet to learn about the TD Designated Legal Counsel and how to protect yourself and your family.