Union members living in areas impacted by the recent tornadoes and flooding, and who participate in Union Plus programs, may be eligible for financial assistance.
Union Plus disaster relief grants of $500 are available to help participants in the Union Plus credit card, insurance or mortgage programs who are facing financial hardship due to the recent severe weather. The money does not have to be repaid.
Union Plus mortgage holders may also be eligible to receive payment extensions or other special help.
To qualify for a Union Plus disaster relief grant, the union member must:
- Have been a victim of the severe weather in counties designated by FEMA as qualifying for individual assistance.
- Have experienced a significant loss of income or property due to the disaster.
- Have had a Union Plus credit card, Union Plus insurance policy or Union Plus mortgage for at least 12 months, with the account or policy up to date in payments.
- Describe his or her circumstances and document the income or property loss.
To apply for a disaster relief grant, union members eligible should call:
- Union Plus credit card: (877) 761-5028
- Union Plus mortgage: (800) 472-2005
- Union Plus insurance: (800) 472-2005
- Go to www.unionplus.org/disaster
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