How long will you live after you retire, and will you have enough money to live on comfortably?
Good question. That’s why – before you retire – you should think about post-retirement economic security, because few things could be worse than money running out during what are supposed to be carefree years.
A balanced retirement portfolio should resemble a three-legged stool.
The first leg is your Tier I Railroad Retirement, Social Security or CalPERS (the California retirement system for public employees), plus Tier II Railroad Retirement and/or an employer pension.
The second leg is the equity in your home, plus your personal savings, such as certificates of deposit and mutual funds.
The third leg of this financial stool are annuities, IRAs, 401(k) plans and whole life insurance.
These three financial legs are the assets to support you through retirement. The fewer legs, or the lower value of any legs, could mean a less secure financial situation during retirement.
Determining available assets before you retire is essential. You may, for example, choose to wait another year or two before retiring and build up assets in one or more legs of your financial stool.
Younger members are wise to consider these financial legs long before they retire.
The UTU Insurance Association can help build the third leg of your financial stool prior to, and even during, retirement.
UTUIA whole life policies provide a death benefit while accumulating cash value. The death benefit protects your surviving family if you die; and the cash value becomes a source of tax-deferred savings available during your retirement years.
UTUIA annuities and individual retirement accounts (IRAs) earn guaranteed interest that is tax deferred until you draw down the balance. You may invest in UTUIA annuities up to age 85.
Existing IRAs and/or employer 401(k) plans may be rolled over into a UTUIA IRA.
To learn how the UTUIA can help make your retirement more secure, talk with a UTUIA field supervisor, call the UTUIA toll-free line at (800) 558-8842, or click here.
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