Brothers and sisters,
The SMART Transportation Division appreciates the sacrifices of those who chose to commit their lives in the service of the country with great reverence.
Brave people have given their lives to defend the freedoms we often take for granted in times of war and peace. Many in our union continue to serve in the reserves or have served in our armed forces as I did. Your union and your country thank you and are forever in your debt.
On Memorial Day, let us all remember how the freedoms established in our United States were preserved by those who have left us while serving our nation and those who are still with us. Without the efforts of those people who chose military service, the United States would not be the strong and enduring beacon of liberty that other nations worldwide want to emulate.
This holiday serves as a great reminder to show our gratitude and respect. Let us all take some time to pause in remembrance of the debt we owe to those fellow Americans who fought and sacrificed in defense of the freedoms of our country. May God bless our troops!
Please be safe, and thank you.
Jeremy R. Ferguson,
President, Transportation Division
As a reminder, our union continues its ongoing efforts to honor our brothers and sisters who have served. If you are a veteran, please let us know by providing information about your service in the SMART Member Portal so we can recognize you in the future.
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