We’d better care about Clinton v. Trump on transportation

The Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, highlights the stark difference in how Clinton and Trump stand on transportation issues, underscoring how the outcome of this election may profoundly impact the health and future of transportation unions and all working fam [...]

Senate bi-partisan push for TSA protection of transit and rail

The Hill.com reported that just days after a backpack filled with explosives was found near a New Jersey train station, Senator John Thune (R-S.D.), chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, and  Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), its ranking member, submitted [...]

Vote for those who support us

Sisters and Brothers, My most recent post generated some lively feedback and I spent quite a bit of time speaking to members on the phone and answering all the emails I received about our endorsement Of Hillary Clinton for president. To be clear, my role and our union’s role [...]

We’ve Teamed Up With Rock the Vote

To give you every chance to make your voice heard this November.  Check your voter egistration status and get automatically registered (states with online registration only) at this link.