On February 2, Railway Age magazine released its annual list of young people creating waves within the rail industry known as “Fast Trackers, 25 Under 40.” SMART Transportation Division is proud to say that one of our own has made the list!
Member Phil Martin of Local 1470 (Edmonston, Md.) works as an Amtrak conductor and represents our union as the only craft employee chosen by the publication on this year’s list. Looking back at previous Railway Age lists, it appears that Brother Martin is the only craft employee who has been recognized on any of the publication’s Fast Trackers lists dating back to 2016.
As the article on Martin lays out, he’s not only a solid conductor — getting commuters and travelers alike to their destinations, but also goes above and beyond to better the experience for Amtrak riders with disabilities.
Brother Martin has served as chairperson of Amtrak’s Employees with Disabilities Resource Group. In this role he has pushed the carrier toward policy changes to improve the riding experience and accessibility for riders with disabilities beyond the federal guidelines put out by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
Martin is a shining example of SMART-TD and the wide variety of talents and leadership our members bring to the industry.
SMART-TD would like to thank Railway Age magazine for celebrating the success and activism of Brother Martin. As an organization, we take pride in his accomplishments and look forward to seeing what lies in store for the rest of this young man’s career in railroading.
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