Baffoni: It is not going to be easy

By Vic Baffoni Vice President, Bus Dept. It’s a new year. We have a new administration in Washington and a larger labor-friendly majority in the House and Senate. It is a time of new hope. It will not be easy. The deteriorating economic conditions in this country are se [...]

Dr. King's legacy lives with Barack Obama

By UTU International President Mike Futhey When my grandchildren ask about the most memorable day of my life — other than my marriage to my lovely wife April, the birth of my children and being elected your International president — I suspect my answer will be, &# [...]

Dr. King’s legacy lives with Barack Obama

By UTU International President Mike Futhey When my grandchildren ask about the most memorable day of my life — other than my marriage to my lovely wife April, the birth of my children and being elected your International president — I suspect my answer will be, &# [...]


By Dr. Norman K. Brown UTU Medical Consultant What is influenza anyway? Centuries ago, just as today, people developed respiratory infections after getting chilled. In the Italian culture, such infections were thought to be caused by “influenza di freddo,” or infl [...]

Moving forward with President-elect Obama

By International President Mike Futhey Barack Obama is the first presidential candidate to promise in writing that he stands behind the objectives of the United Transportation Union. We look forward to working closely with President Obama. He is a leader who has put the well- [...]