Federal HSR aid now tops $10 billion

A new round of federal funding will aid development of 54 separate high-speed rail lines in 23 states, says the Department of Transportation. Those projects will share $2.4 billion in newly approved federal funding announced last week by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. T [...]

FRA told: ‘Mexican trains must be inspected’

Union Pacific is at it again — and the UTU and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen intend to stop it, again. The “it” is a UP request to the Federal Railroad Administration that UP be allowed to bring trains from Mexico into the United State [...]

FRA warns of lapses in situational awareness

Citing a series of on-duty career ending injuries and fatalities over the past 24 months that occurred on or near mainline track, the Federal Railroad Administration has issued a safety advisory on the importance of situational awareness, especially when the job being perform [...]

FRA to make cell-phone ban permanent

WASHINGTON — The Federal Railroad Administration has announced it will make permanent its Emergency Order No. 26 restricting the use by on-duty train crews of cell phones and other electronic devices. Some changes, as described below, are to be included in the permanent [...]